Monday, July 30, 2007

New podcast in the works

So I know what you all are wondering, "where is the fourth episode of the JSquared Podcast?" Or at least I hope that is what you're wondering. Well if you are, have no fear, a new episode is in the works. And this will be one of the best ones yet, so just be patient. They're getting better and better as we continue to delve into this world we know as podcasting.
This next episode is going to include everything from a skype interview of a very coolio person, to some news about the well-known and addictive site known as So stay tuned, the JSquared team hasn't fallen off the face of the earth, although one half of the team has been gone for the past week, so I've had to do it on my own, but thats ok, its still fun.
Also another thing contributing to the mayhem is that I've been working 2 jobs and will be almost everyday this week. Not that I'm making excuses or anything because I'm certainly not, I love doing the podcast every week, its just that life is busy, so that's what has been going on, in case you were wondering. So I hope to have this next episode out to you by the end of this week.
I'll talk to you all later, and thanks for sticking with us.

-Josh Burns, on behalf of the JSquared Team

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